This album was ordered by parents for their daughter’s 18th anniversary. It has pictures from when she was a baby to recent photo sessions. Large format was chosen for this scrapbook.
The dimensions of this album are 12×12 inches. It has a book-type binding with fabric hard cover.
It has 14 pages with photographs put in chronological order. Here are the inside pages:
The girl who was going to celebrate her 18th anniversary was studying design which made me even more nervous than usual because I didn’t know if she likes the scrapbook. I was advised that she likes surrealism. So I decided to use paper by Graphic 45. In this album I used eight collections: Bird Song, French Country, Nutcracker Sweet, Olde Curiosity Shoppe, Secret Garden, Steampunk Spells, The Magic of Oz, Tropical Travelogue.
Finally I’ve got review from my client: “You’ve hit the style 100%!” I can’t tell how glad I was to hear this 🙂
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